Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Does Decongestan Madecine Intefere With Thyroxine

ALMOST FOUR MONTHS A JUDGEMENT ... but my time with you happier

That accelerated calendar goes before me who have spent 4 months and I did not write, and that is one of the things I enjoy most. Good is the neoliberal system that grabs you and you do not realize is that what you told me Cherapio, in-depth analysis about the new era. Almost go out shouting Apocalypse! seriously when I said this would be increasing.

Four months go by many things, first is to spend my days busy and in fact about 7 turn off the computer and I would say that I turned off the TV, because I was at my house to put on pajamas and sleep, is that there was cold, not like going out, watching the stars!, also my dear Pichidegua does not have many views in winter. If I read one month to the Pancha, September would agree with her, off comes the warmth and the rich floral awakening among Creoles reels that make you react.
four months ago I talked about courtship, uy! and you see as the indomitable Taming wild filly proved to be most Maccabean and so far all smooth sailing with the relationship.
In four months I have not seen my best friends, I was stunned and cold work. No salí los fines de semana a lugares concurridos, sólo a otros más entiende, y sólo me dejé ver en los brazos de quien me roba el sueño. Cuatro meses que pudieran ser un castigo sin salir, sin visitar a mis lulús, pero una dulce condena cuando estoy contigo.
En estos cuatro meses cumplí 28 años, y con ello he cumplido mis deseos también. Todo a su tiempo me dijeron muchas veces y yo la acelerada te busqué donde no debí, fué sólo ese 25 en que te encontré que supe lo que es querer con los huesos, con el corazón.
Si fuera una canción sería la que te hablara de amor, si fuera un cuadro sería el que pinté para ´t, y si fuera un singer would be the one who wrote,

"if I were to choose again I would choose without thinking ...."

Hopefully I can re-write before January 25 to tell my stories.
'll write