Occupational Therapy ... What is it? What do children need?
Occupational Therapy is a profession in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth responsible for the child to achieve maximum independence in their daily occupations (food, hygiene, clothing, transportation, school activities and free time)
If your child is struggling in some the following areas could benefit with occupational therapy:
-gross motor problems (difficulties in coordination, balance difficulties, problems with posture, clumsiness, collides with the furniture, falls easily)
-Problems fine motor skills (difficulty using pencil, paint, trim, hand-eye coordination problems such as making puzzle, lace, thread, manipulating small objects with his hands)
-sensory integration problems (like being always "chasing" is restless, does not stay quiet after a motor activity, is hyperactive, or conversely, child is a passive, sleepy, your muscles seem weak, tires quickly, afraid of heights, you have problems graduating force breaks eg toys, carries much the pen or else take it weakly, bite toys or pencils, not like messing with tempera, cold glue, does not like to be touched, does not like to bathe or cut her nails or hair, dislikes certain textures of clothes or food, compared overreact to loud noises, can not work with environmental sounds, etc.).
, attention and concentration problems, difficulties in memory, easily disoriented, difficulty in body schema (recognizing body parts, left-right discrimination), dificutades to design, plan and execute a motor action (can not play or what to do with their toys)
-behavior problems or social interaction, low self-esteem is disorganized.
-Problems and Language Learning.
Allan Ayala Natalia
Therapist University of Chile
Inquiries to: Afterschoolfabula@gmail.com
Central Padre Hurtado 430, Las Condes.