Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Viña del Mar, is the quintessential Chilean commune in resources allocated to tourism in terms of hotels, festivals, community beautification, etc. Is due to its proximity to Santiago (120 miles) or its major port Valparaíso is one of the most important links in terms of economy is concerned, Viña del Mar is a great urban unit designed for tourists. Upon arrival in Viña del Mar by Route CH-68, you get to a hill where is the upper area of \u200b\u200bBarrio de Agua Santa. You can choose to turn west to the Recreation District, one of the most populated, or continue down the plan of Viña del Mar. Another of the most famous of Chile, as far as tourism is concerned, is reborn. The Reñaca Spa is one of the most important of Viña del Mar, located near the mouth of Estero de Reñaca (which is the next estuary, from south to north, after the Marga Marga). In modern times, Renaissance has expressed his aspirations to become an independent commune, because its inhabitants considered to be the main contributors to the community, and that returns were not all the economic contribution they make.
National Botanical Garden, also known as "Parque Metropolitano de Valparaiso" is located in

Camino El Olivar and has about 3,000 species of plants.
The flower clock, located opposite the beach of Caleta Abarca, at the road junction linking the road to Valparaiso, was built especially to welcome you to the Garden City to participants Football World Cup 1962, which would be played in the commune.

Vergara Pier was built at the height of 10 North Street, was a small pier where the goods out. Today it no longer meets any commercial function, but is one of the most beautiful promenades of the commune, because since he can see the full extent of Valparaiso Bay. Unfortunately, this pier is currently closed for possibility of collapse, after fire. Still no concrete plans to restore the high cost.


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